Yeah. I'm restless. I want to dye my hair, get married, have my own house with my own kitchen, travel somewhere, be really creative, learn to make my own clothes, decorate fabulously, have vintage (but functional) things, by stylish, do what I love, not work at Starbucks, learn how to cook healthy but on a shoestring, have enough money to buy wine more than once in a blue moon, and be something resembling slim. At this point, none of this is achievable. I'm hard up for money, I don't have time to be creative, the boyfriend isn't exactly being supportive of the healthy cooking thing, I hate the house I live in so I don't want to put money or effort into it because I will move out as soon as I can, it's hotter than Satan's womb so I can't exactly spend hours outside exercising and the campus gym isn't available to me yet because I haven't started classes, and after I'm done buying clothes I need for work or replacing those that are falling apart, I don't have money to buy clothes I want.
I feel like everyone my age is getting engaged or married right now except me, and that's not even an option right now.
Oh, and I can't find my Bible, so any comfort I would get from it about my life right now is not accessible.