Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Starting Fresh. Maybe.

Well it's my first full week of summer. It feels like a lot longer, but after checking my calendar... Nope. I really did finish my last final and move out of RSU on Thursday. I have moved my copious amount of crap back to my room, but I haven't moved IN. Most of my kitchen stuff is still sitting in paper bags on the living room floor and my bedroom looks like a train wreck. There are boxes piled up by the wall and I have rummaged through some of them for clothes so it's a wretched mess. I had planned today to unpack and organize and clean... But after getting up at 12:30, eating lunch/breakfast (you can't really call a sandwich, chips, and iced tea "brunch"), and watching the newest episode of Castle, here I am. Blogging. For the first time in over a year. I used to have a Xanga, which I updated religiously, but that was many years ago, and I am out of practice.

I have big plans for this summer. I hope. I want to join a gym and take a yoga class. I want to take some summer classes. I want to work a lot and actually start saving money - NOT my strong suit. I want to spend more time outside. I want to revamp my wardrobe - I still have clothes from my freshman year of high school, and now I am *almost* a sophomore in college, so SOMETHING needs to change. I want to start reading my Bible again and having a quiet time with God every day. I want to spend more time with my grandparents. My grandma was recently diagnosed with liver cirrhosis, which is random because the only time I can honestly say she has consumed alcohol was on her 80th birthday when we all had a glass of champagne. So now she can only have 200 mg of sodium every day, and probably has about six months to live. My granddad is 90% blind, but in considerably better condition than my grandma. I want to eat healthier - potato chips and pop aren't exactly doing my body favors.

So to sum up... I want to start this summer fresh. The end.

1 comment:

  1. Since when do you have a blog? I miss you too! Be home in a week. :)
