Sunday, January 30, 2011

Why do we do it?

So I was going to post something about how lovely this weekend was and how sad I was to see it go, and I thought "Who is going to want to read this?" And then I thought "Why do I blog in the first place?" And then I thought "For whom do I blog?"

Really. Why do we blog? Do we blog for our readers? For ourselves? For a specific cause? Sure, there are blogs with a specific purpose - covering sports , delicious recipes , etc. But what about the rest of us? Why do we blog?

I, for one, enjoy the edification of comments on my posts. But we all enjoy being noticed and knowing that someone reads our ramblings. Is this just a cry for attention? For some, it's a creative outlet. I want my blog to become a creative outlet, but I know that at this moment, it is far from that. Do we blog to rant about how much our lives suck? I wouldn't want to burden you or anyone with my complaining. I don't like complaining anyway. It makes me feel gross and moldy. And on that rabbit trail, my life doesn't suck. I have a wonderful family, a great job, a fantastic boyfriend, and a French press. What more do I need? Do we blog to simply talk about our day, like a journal? Written journals, in leather-bound books of old, blank, yellowed paper that smells like one hundred years of history when you open them and see their emptiness begging to be filled, are much more personal. Or do we muse about ideas, faith, opinions, and hobbies, and hope that maybe someone else out there will see it and agree so that we know we are not completely alone and off our rockers?

What do you think? Why do YOU blog? This isn't rhetorical. I don't really know why I blog. I just know that I enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I blog to keep my thoughts in order. To save snippets of intellect that one day might be useful to myself or someone else. I blog because I write. It's so much easier if you don't have to cramp one hand and two fingers and take forever, only to decide that you don't like what you wrote and have to redo it. Ctrl+X is so much easier than feeling like you wasted a half hour and your first three fingers are never speaking to you again.
    I find that, after writing and reflecting, sometimes my life is permanently changed. When I think a thought that I have never thought before, I know my writing session paid off. And if other people like to read what I write and talk to me about it, that's fine too. :)
