Thursday, March 10, 2011

I am not the Judge.

Do you ever experience those times when you think you are over something that hurt you, and then discover that you aren't? And it ruins your day because you are mad all over again, not only about that thing that happened, but that you aren't over it yet? Today I was rudely reminded, or brought to awareness, of something that happened to me about a month ago, and to my surprise I was angry all over again. And then I was grumpy because I had not moved past the hurt and humiliation like I thought I had. Does this happen to everyone? Or am I just a grudgy person? I always thought I was the kind of person to get over something in five minutes, or at least over night. I guess not.

In church on Sunday, the sermon was about how, as humans, we are not wired to deal with decisions of right and wrong. God did not create us to choose between these things.  He told Adam and Eve not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But because of sin, we are faced with these decisions every day. Choosing between right and wrong, good and evil, puts us in a position to decide who gets punished and who gets rewarded, even if just in our own minds. "What is the chief end of man?" "To glorify God and enjoy Him forever." NOT judge everyone. When we decide who gets what, we become judges. But there is only one Judge. If we presume to judge our peers, then we are assuming the role of God.

Instead of assuming the role of Judge, we should turn to the one and only Judge. When faced with a decision, we shouldn't decide by ourselves that this person is wrong and we are obviously right. We should turn to our Father and say, "What should I do with this?" I guarantee that He will help us out.

Maybe I need to turn to my Father about this situation that hurt me and ask, "What should I do with this?"

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