Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Realistic and Not Far-Fetched

Who else likes snow? I love it. But only when it's in the air. When I am at work, I can see a parking lot light (one of those on the big poles.. I know they have a real name) from the window and last night the snow was so pretty as it floated down past the light pole. Light pole... Is that it's real name? Someone should come up with a cooler name. Anyway, snow on the ground melts and then freezes and wreaks havoc on Tulsans, who, unfortunately, have no idea how to drive in such weather.

Oh, also I got sick yesterday. So now I am sitting a home, having skipped my first day of classes due to the fact that Niagara Falls decided to relocate to my nose and the Arnold Schwarzenegger we all know and love from The Terminator is flexing his copious muscles in my sinuses. So... I am curled in a big comfy chair, eating chips and homemade guacamole (I can't type a sentence without going back for more - it's that good), and looking out at the rapidly diminishing snow. Today has given me time to think about what needs to be done in my life. There are the typical, over-used and under-achieved ideas of losing weight, fitting back into my high school jeans, de-cluttering my life, become blogger of the year... Need I say more? Unfortunately, all of these things are MUCH easier said than done, so I came up with a list of realistic and not far-fetched things I can do with relative ease:

1. At the beginning of December, I ordered a Star Wars Rebel Alliance logo window sticker on Amazon. It is still sitting on my dresser. So number one: put the freaking sticker on my rear window.
2. Finish this guacamole. Mmmmm nomnomnom.
3. De-clutter my room. This is kind of a big task, but smaller than de-cluttering my life.
4. Find an apartment in Stillwater. My plan is to transfer to the Starbucks out there (with my shining recommendations and stellar barista skills) sometime during the summer, depending on when that store would need me the most. Having a place to live would be good too, so I am on the hunt. If anyone knows of a two bedroom house or apartment relatively close to campus up for grabs, let me know? I have a friend who recently got A LOT more incentive to go to OSU with me *a boy!* so the loft apartment dream has turned into a two-bedroom house/apartment dream. Preferable: wood floors, intact roof, any place to set my French press. I'm not picky. Too picky, that is.
5. Accumulate things to put in the afore-mentioned apartment.

I recently finished watching first and, tragically, only season of Firefly and the sequel Serenity with Austin, and I have developed a Nathan Fillion crush. Oh yes. It doesn't help that I am already slightly obsessed with Castle, too. Speaking of which... New Castle episode in my Hulu Queue. See ya.

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